Financial Independence

Financial Independence = No Longer Needing to Work to Live

It's a two part equation:  Living Expenses and Income.
- When Passive Income > Living Expenses, you've reached Financial Independence

So, knowing the two sides of the equation, we know how to approach solving the problem.  You can:
- Increase Passive Income
- Reduce Expenses

For many people, the ideal will be to do both.

The most valuable thing in our lives are the time we have to enjoy people and experiences, and make a difference in our world.  We only have a finite amount of time.  Working to earn money to live is a trade off of time for money.  A great book on this is, Your Money or Your Life, by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez.

If you are at all interested in this idea, I highly recommend you read this book.  The investment ideas are out of date (at least until interest rates increase), but the concepts are timeless.  If it were me, I'd borrow it from the library, but Amazon also has it.

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