Friday, December 5, 2014

Translate Savings Into Income

I'm probably rediscovering what many have already, but as I think about financial independence, I'm thinking about my method for taking net worth and translating it into income.  That's one half of the financial independence equation; the other is expenses).

There's many ways to have passive income do this:
- Withdraw savings
- Sell assets
- Bonds
- Dividend paying stocks
- Some type of passive business

Then I start thinking about, interest rates, safe withdrawal rate, dividend yields and what does this all mean.  Here are a few things that are helping me figure this out.  More to follow.

Your Money or Your Life

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

The Single Best Investment: Creating Wealth With Dividend Growth

Physics of Wall Street

Chowder on Seeking Alpha

Project 3 Million

Mr. Money Mustache

Treasury Direct: I-Bonds

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